Thursday 29 April 2010

Who would be the audience for your media product?

Our film is based on the genres of horror and thriller, most films of these genres, especially horror, are normally 15+. If a film is classified as anything lower that means it is suitable for younger audience and properly not scary, gory or horrific as many horror films are. Our film would be a 15, it has enough suspense, tension and mystery that is becomes scary. However we have not got the key elements to make it an 18. Many people agreed that 15 would be the right classification for our film.

The majority of horror films and thriller films are aimed at 15-24 year olds. This because this is the group who go to the cinema the most and the age range that most enjoy horror and thriller films. Movies do this by keeping it relevant and by making it as scary as possible beca
use that is what the audience wants to see. 28 Days Later is attractive to this age group
because they can relate what they see to where they live and use their imagination to fill in the blanks. Younger audiences could not make this link as well, and older audiences do not enjoy horror films as much as the teenage/ young adult audi

Our thriller films would appeal to a range of different people, it is a general film and
is not aimed at one specific group but more to all groups of teenagers and young adults. However the "typical" audience member would be aged between 16-19 interested in the latest music, fashionable and spends a lot of their time on social network sites like Facebook. They would wear branded clothing like island, topshop, H&M etc. Their social life would be very important to them and watching a film whether at a cinema or at home would be a social event if possible. They would like our film because it has suspense, mystery and drama which will keep an imaginative mind locked on.

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