Friday 30 April 2010

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

With the introduction on new technologies available now, it is now possible to achieve more in post-production. Different effects can change what the audience sees and what it means to see it in a different colour for example.

In this example I have changed the scene into black and white, this effect is used in some films because it can be used to represent a flashback or a scene from the past. We used this effect in our opening sequence to represent the flash back to the abduction and killing of the young girl.

This effect is called high saturation and high contrast, this is used in films to represent the extreme cold or the supernatural, the eeire brightness is most effective in ghost films and horror films with a supernatural theme.

This effect when you change the exposure and brightness to a low setting. This is another way to use exposure to add effect, this effect makes the scene look more eerie and the background as dark and dangerous.

In this effect i have turned the red exposure up. In our opening sequence we were going to use this effect for the first person of the mutants, to try and make it seem that they have a red tint in their eyes.

Sound is also very important in films, diagetic sound, sounds that the actors can hear as well as the audience is very important because it puts a sound to the image. Non-diagetic sound
is sound that only the audience can hear, this is usually music or a voice-over. Music can be used to set the mood of the scene, for example eerie music sets the mood for something scary about to happen, romantic music can set the scene for a love scene.
Suspense is very key in any horror and thriller film, this can be produced visually by dragging out the action before the key momment happens and also by music. Music can also build ip suspesnse. It lets the audience know that something is wrong and that something bad is going to happen. Click on this link here to listen to suspense created by these sounds.
A tense bass line can also creat suspense because of the relation to a slow heartbeat or to build of the speed of the drum to build the tension greater. Click on this link to hear the tense bass line.
On the other hand an upbeat drum bass can also created an effective tense mood. This beat is usually used to create panic and can also be used to replicate a fast heart beat, like of somene running. This fits into our thriller well in some areas because the girls are trying to run from the mutants. Click on this link to listen to an upbeat drum bass.
The most effective sounds in thriller films is eerie music. This music creates suspsense and mystery and a dark sinister atmosphere that reflects the emptiness of the park and fact the girls are alone. Click on the link to listen to a eerie sound.

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