Thursday 29 April 2010

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

From our preliminary task i have learnt a lot about different camera angles and effect and how important the camera can be in adding emotions and effects. The way a camera is positioned can give a lot away in a story, just as much as the actors. Close ups on people can show the audience a certain area of importance, this is usually the face or a certain part of the face, eg lips or eyes, or another body part of importance, for example someone drawing a gun. Close ups can also show an item that is important, for example keys. Long shots are important to show the audience the setting and can also show the audience a long shot of the scene and show more to the viewer than the actor can see, for example showing a women looking out a window but in the background a person walking in the door.

This is a long shot from my preliminary task. It shows a person walking down a corridor infront of a window. We can see his complete body and we can see his surroundings.

This is a picture from my opening sequence showing a long shot of the young girl being followed by the mutant. In this shot you can see the girl's surroundings and what is going on in the scene.

This is a medium- close up from my preliminary task. In this picture you can see the face and the facial expression. Close-ups can be used for this reason to show emotions in faces.

This is another medium close up in my opening sequence. This shot was used to show a first person view of the mutant stalking the young girl.

We also learnt how to use shot reverse shot to show conversation or action between two people or groups of peopl, or it can show two groups coming together, like in our opening sequence. The first example i have is from my preliminary task.

In these three screen shots you can see a conversation between two characters, shot reverse shots shows this but reversing from to the other, while observing the 180 degree rule.

This is a shot reverse shot from my opening sequence, it shows the two girls walking towards the mutants and then the mutants and back to the girls running away

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